Restored Harvest this February! (Prophetic Word for February) || Episode 70

Feb 4, 2025    Jason Hooper

Your Harvest is being Restored this February! The Lord told us going into 2025 that this was the season where God was going to restore the years the locust have stolen as He pours out His Holy Spirit on all flesh. We pray you are encouraged and equipped as Pastor Jason shares how to access your restored harvest and live from your heavenly account.

New pathways of righteousness have been prepared for those who have prepared themselves for their new path. When we partner with what God is presently shows and how He is presently leading us we begin to walk in a greater measure of His anointing as we have stepped into greater alignment with our assignment. This is why having a God given vision is so crucial in these days (Your 2025 VISION Playlist:

As in the Days of Noah (see Genesis 7:11), there is a fresh desperation springing up from the Earth that Heaven is about to respond to with the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit this world has ever seen. Every where people are seeking God like never before and it has never been easier to share Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit with others.

There is a supernatural ease when the Holy Spirit is flowing freely through you where you are able to accomplish much more with much less effort. When we step into the Holy Spirit’s flow you release a supernatural grace everywhere you go.


It was said during the Welsh revival and the Azuza Street revival that everything was accomplished with great ease and little effort while everything in the revival was happening all at once. This is a similar, yet greater influence coming upon those who ask this month as God is fashioning surrendered hearts to be tuning forks for the sound of Heaven to invade the Earth.

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Service Times:



Join us this Wednesday as we continue our February Service Series, The Fullness of the Holy Spirit with Pastor Jason and Pastor Tina ministering on the Fullness of the Holy Spirit and how God desires to manifest Himself in and through Families.

Whatever your natural family looks like and wherever you are in the timeline of your family line, and your desire for family God has a perfect plan and a beautiful blueprint. When we allow His word, plans and blueprint to guide us we begin to see the fullness of His desires for us fulfilled.

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🔥The Fullness of the Holy Spirit this February! We invite you to join us for a Month of Special Meetings this February as we focus on the Fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Person of the Holy Spirit, the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Lifestyle of the Holy Spirit, and the Acts of the Holy Spirit.


This is going to be a powerful Month at King’s Way as we encounter Holy Spirit in a deeper way and God pours out an extraordinary anointing for unusual miracles and God launches each one of us “fast forward” in God this February.


God is highlighting to us in an increasing way since January 1st, the importance of prioritizing the Person Holy Spirit, being daily filled with the Holy Spirit, building up our Spirit man, living a life led by the Holy Spirit in the days in which we live.


Join us this February as we make room for the Fullness of the Holy Spirit!


Service Times:

Sundays at 10am

Wednesdays at 6:30pm